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Pride and Publishing--O'Reilly TOC Conference Writes the Future

October 15, 2012

Sebastopol, CA—October 15, 2012—It is a truth universally acknowledged that a publisher in possession of a rich future must want to attend . Publishers and everyone who wants to master the forces transforming the publishing world can collaborate on the future of books and reading at O'Reilly's Tools of Change for Publishing Conference. TOC returns to New York City February 12-14, 2013, and .

Chairs Kat Meyer and Joe Wikert have announced an extraordinary program, with featured speakers including:

  • Evan Williams, The Obvious Corporation
  • Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
  • Jeff Jaffe, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  • Hugh McGuire, PressBooks/LibriVox/lambik
  • Alexandra Gillespie, University of Toronto
  • Travis Alber, ReadSocial and BookGlutton
  • Mark Waid, Thrillbent
  • Jennifer Lee, Plympton
  • Evan Ratliff, The Atavist
  • Henry Jenkins, University of Southern California
  • Todd Carpenter, NISO

Best price ends November 1, and early registration ends December 20, 2012.

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How do and do it? Program for 2013 is a bookish dream. Register early to save.

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