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New Make to Review from O'Reilly

Media alert: November 28, 2012

Whether it's hacking game controllers into 3D scanners, combining plastic bricks and microcotrollers to build chocolate milk-making robots, or using low-cost components to build cloud-based sensor networks, today's makers are relentlessly driving the pace of technology forward in fun and interesting ways.

Grab your safety goggles and check out the latest batch from Make:

With this book, you get a step-by-step walkthrough of the best techniques and tools to come out of the OpenKinect project, the largest and most active Kinect hacking community.

This easy-to-follow guide will show you how to build devices with Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 and the Arduino prototyping platform—including setting up an Arduino programming environment, downloading the sketches and libraries you'll need, and working with Arduino?s language for non-programmers.

This project-based book will show you how to create your own gadgets to measure what's inside every breath you take; the kind and size of dust particles from smoke to smog, how much haze is in the upper atmosphere, the transparency of the night sky, and more!

Interested in a review copy? Just drop me a note and let me know your preference of ebook or print. I look forward to hearing what you think about these exciting DIY guides.


Adam Flaherty | O'Reilly Media | 707-827-7262

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Emily Gertz

Emily Gertz is a freelance journalist and editor covering the environment, technology, and science. Her work has appeared both online and in print, in Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, Whole Living, Dwell, Talking Points Memo, OnEarth Magazine, Grist, and more. Her new book, , co-authored with , teaches you how to create gadgets for examining the quality of our atmosphere, using Arduino and several inexpensive sensors.