"JavaScript is the de facto standard of scripting languages on the Internet. Using JavaScript to enhance page design and user interactivity is a staple for ensuring that Web sites and applications are feature-rich and consistent to users with virtually any major browser," explains Bradenbaugh.
There are two good reasons to have a JavaScript strategy before building an application, says the author. "First, applications, even the small ones, tend to change or become larger. Managing code for larger and more complex applications can quickly become unruly, especially when making modifications that affect multiple pages. Sometimes functionality can be affected simply by moving the application from one machine to another. Implementing a JavaScript strategy allows programmers to better manage these applications when such changes occur."
"Also, many of the applications that JavaScript programmers build are based on smaller tasks that have been repeated over and over in previous applications," says Bradenbaugh. "Examples include form validation, reading cookies, and enabling image rollovers. Designing these 'pieces' of the application with the 10,000-foot perspective enables coders to reuse these pieces of trusted code instead of rewriting new JavaScript every time an HTML form pops up."
Many JavaScript books on the market today focus on JavaScript syntax for reference or getting started with JavaScript. Although some of the more advanced books provide a few basic to intermediate JavaScript applications. JavaScript Application Cookbook goes a step (or two) further by providing users larger, ready-to-use applications that address common Web site needs. You'll find things like a client-side search engine, online test administration, cookies-based user profiles, and more, in this immensely practical new book. O'Reilly's "Cookbook" format will save you hours of programming time.
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By Jerry Bradenbaugh
1st Edition, October 1999 (US)
1-56592-577-7, 478 pages, $34.95 (US$)
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