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sourceXchange Open Source Marketplace Launches

August 10, 1999

SEBASTOPOL, CA--sourceXchange, the Open Source development marketplace, went live today (). The more than 1500 developers who have already registered with sourceXchange got their first look at seven RFPs from founding sponsor Hewlett-Packard (HP). Additional RFPs are slated to be posted within weeks, as the site ramps up during its Beta launch. sourceXchange is a project of Collab.net, an O'Reilly affiliate company that provides services and infrastructure for the development of Open Source software.

Created by Brian Behlendorf, Collab.net President and CTO and co-founder of the Apache Software Foundation, and O'Reilly & Associates, sourceXchange provides a dynamic forum where sponsors who need Open Source programming talent can contract with qualified developers for specific development projects. Developers can also submit proposals to the sourceXchange Wish List, soliciting the talents of their peers in Open Source community for projects that contribute to the common good. Over 85 suggestions have been submitted to the Wish List in the past two weeks.

"The response to sourceXchange by Open Source developers has been terrific, and as we bring on more projects, I expect that interest to grow even further," said Behlendorf. "Now is the time to show that this new model can work--that sponsors can accomplish their objectives through the deployment and further development of Open Source solutions, and that we've got an infrastructure that supports that."

Several of HP's proposals center around the company's new e-speak initiative. HP is seeking developers for Open Source projects that provide enhancements to e-speak, OpenMail and other technologies.

"The response by HP product divisions to the sourceXchange beta program --including the Open Software Operation which is responsible for HP's strategic e-speak technology--demonstrates that HP views sourceXchange as an option for mission-critical software development projects," said Wayne Caccamo, manager of HP's Open Source Solutions Operation.

Companies interested in sponsoring development projects can email sponsor@sourcexchange.com for more information. Developers may register, at no cost, at .

sourceXchange is a dynamic marketplace for the funding of Open Source software projects. The site provides services and infrastructure for the development of Open Source software in a manner that benefits developers, sponsors, and users of the resulting software. Created by Brian Behlendorf, co-founder of the Apache Software Foundation, and O'Reilly & Associates, sourceXchange is a project of Collab.net, an O'Reilly affiliate. See for more information.

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